Monday, September 16, 2013

Art Fundies: Fine Art Analysis

1. Pick 1 principle of design
Balance - A way of keeping a sense of stability or equilibrium in an artwork by how you distribute visual weight (symmetrical, asymmetrical, or radial)

Unity - Harmony; a sense of oneness or wholeness in the work of art.  The arrangement of shapes, and how they relate to each other create a sense of unity

Emphasis - Focal point; where the focus is concentrated through design principles or meaning (size, shape, contrasting color, etc.).  The element that is most important in your design dominates or pulls the viewer's eyes towards it.

Contrast - Art elements in opposition, both subtle and intense.  For example, light areas in contrast to dark, or highly textured areas versus smooth areas.

Pattern - The repetition of similar elements (such as shapes, lines, color, sequences, etc.) at precise intervals.  Pattern is more exact than rhythm.

Movement - The illusion of activity or speed in a composition through the use of line or perspective, or a sense of actual movement on the page (things falling, rising, turning); a way of combining elements to cause the viewer's eye to move over the artwork in a specific direction.

Rhythm - A visual complement to musical rhythm.  A sense of pattern or flow is woven throughout the work of art.  Elements, such as lines or shapes, are repeated at regular intervals.

Proportion - The relative sizes and locations of objects in the artwork.  It refers to the relationships of the size of objects in a body of work.

Perspective - The representation of space on a two-dimensional surface to give the illusion of depth and distance.  The spatial relation of objects as they might appear to the eye.

Variety - The quality or state of having different forms or types.

2. Find one piece of fine art (that you like!) that best illustrates the principle that you have chosen.
Use the links below to help guide you in your search

3.  Blog post: Fine Art Analysis
Write a short analysis.  This should be well written with proper grammar, complete sentences, and thoughtful explanations.  

     Why did you choose this piece of art?  What do you like about it?
     Describe the specific elements of art used. (Line, shape, form, color, value, space, texture)
     How did the artist use the elements of art the achieve the specific design principle you chose?



Henri Toulouse Lautrec
M. de Lauradour, 1897
Oil and gouache on cardboard

I chose this piece of art because I was initially fascinated that a painter used cardboard to create such a beautiful piece.  I love how art can be made with any material.  Henri Toulouse Lautrec proves that even the simplest of materials can be made into works of art.  I find myself attracted to portraits and sketches that have evidence of mark making and mistakes, and that show the process of the working artist.  He uses line to create texture throughout the piece.  This style of mark making helps to unify the composition.  The entire painting has a hurried feel like the artist worked very fast on the canvas.  Although the background is lacking in much detail, there is a sense of space and that the model is sitting in a room.  The colors of the background are subdued so that the attention is focused on the model.  However, the colors of the man's beard and pants can be found in the background, thus emphasizing unity. 

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