Thursday, May 22, 2014

Eyeball Photographs

For the final painting in Art Fundamentals, my students wanted to paint their eyeballs.  Freshman Anna told us about macro lenses that can clip onto iPhones!  The kit actually comes with 3 lenses: macro, wide-angle, and fish-eye.  Anna has spearheaded this project.  She took everyone's eyeball photograph and organized the photo shoot.  

iPhone lens kit
Below are the photographs of the students' eyes using the iPhone macro lens.  

Ms. DeWan
Student paintings in progress

Finished Apple Paintings

Students have finished their Apple Paintings!  Click on the link to learn more about this project.







Ms. DeWan

Monday, May 5, 2014

Apple Drawing and Painting

We will draw the apple in front of you.  We want the apple to look 3D (like it has form) instead of 2D (a shape).  After drawing the apple, we will paint it.

Cross contour lines
1.  Bite into the apple.  Why?  Because drawing a perfectly round apple is boring!

2.  Draw the outline of the apple.

3.  Sketch the cross contour lines (vertical and horizontal).  

4.  Draw in the shadows.  Follow the direction of the cross contour lines - if your cross contour lines are curved, your shadow lines should be curved too.

Draw in the shadows

5.  Look carefully at where the light reflects off the table and apple.  It may surprise you!

6.  Don’t forget to draw the shadow!

7.  Take 3 pictures of the apple.  If you tap on the screen, the camera will focus on a different part of the frame: Shadow on the table, the darkest part on the apple, the lightest part on the apple.
Focused on the lightest part of the apple

Focused on the darkest part of the apple

Focused on the shadow

Friday, May 2, 2014

Under the Microscope Evaluation

Download your finished painting from below.

Grade yourself on a scale from 1-10:
     1. Technique | Is your composition carefully painted?  Are there crisp lines? Did you put forth effort?
     2. Evidence of form | Did you blend paint in a way to illustrate form?
     3. Contrast | Is there contrast between light and dark or texture?
     4. Balance | Is there balance between light and dark, and your chosen complementary colors?
iPhone ear buds

Engagement ring

Rainbow Skink Paw

Tomato Plant Leaf

Scorpion Sensory Comb


Flower Anther

Bike Chain

Scorpion Teeth Dorsals

Bee Salivary Lips

Scorpion Fulcrum

Butterfly Wing


Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Personal Tile

Personal Tile, 2012, Janna DeWan

Project: Ceramic tile
Adinkran Symbols
Objective: to create a personal logo.

                   63 African Symbols for Creative Design

Through the use of clay, you will create a personal symbol, or logo, that represents you.  You will be inventing your own original design based on Adinkran symbols of West Africa.  Be sure not to copy their symbols, instead be inspired.  You are invited to augment shapes, move lines, combine symbols together, etc.

Step 1: Write down at least 5 adjectives that describe you
Step 2: Find similar words in the list of Adinkran symbols.
Step 3: Sketch the similar symbols 
Adinkra stamps carved in Ghana.
Step 4: Brainstorm a few different personal logos based on the Adinkran symbols you chose.  You do not necessarily need to use all 5 symbols.  You may choose to be inspired by only one, or combine two.  Remember, sometimes a simple and bold logo design is more effective than a cluttered and busy one.
Step 5: Cut out an 8"x8" clay slab at 1/2" thick
Step 6: Decide which parts of your design will be additive (adding clay) and subtractive (carving into the clay)
Step 7: Finishing touches: add any texture and smooth out all the edges.  
Step 8: Apply colored slip
Step 9: Sgraffito
Step 10: Place in kiln room
Anthony Boakye uses a comb to mark parallel
lines on an adinkra cloth in Ntonso, Ghana.

1817 Adinkra cloth

Attach a photo of your tile.
Explain which Adinkran symbol you based your design off of and why (5 sentences).